Union of Canadian Transport Employees Report |
The board of directors of the CASB
The CASB's board issued a preliminary report on the Gander crash on December 12, 1987. Only five members of the board signed the report, endorsing its contents. The other five members dissented with one member going as far as resigning. The five members who oppose the conclusions of the report all have solid aeronautical backgrounds:
R. Stephenson - retired Air Canada pilot and former president of the Air Pilots' Association
N. Bobbitt - aeronautical engineer
D. Mussallem - aeronautical engineer and former Wardair pilot
L. Filotas - PHD in aeronautics
R. Lacroix - retired Airforce Brigadier-General and longtime pilot
Comparison of these credentials with those who support the findings of the report reveals far superior aeronautical knowledge for those against. Why then have the opinions of the chairman (former chairman) and four less knowlegeable members of the board managed to come out on top? Why were the opinions of five experts brushed aside?